Page 144 - GETELEC catalogue US 2020
P. 144
GT 602 range is composed of flexible microwave absorbents materials developed by our laboratory.
GT 602 materials come in sheets that we can then cut to shape in different thicknesses or shaped pieces. GT602 consists
of a silicone mold loaded with magnectic particles with a narrow-band frequency absorption function according to the
material/thickness grade. The mixture’s homogeneity is ensured by a complex mixing system, developed by Getelec.
Sheets or finished parts are available, on request in versions with or without ahdesive.
Attenuation Percentage absorbed
-5 dB 68.38%
-10 dB 90.00%
-15 dB 96.84%
-20 dB 99.00%
-40 dB 99.99%
Getelec material reference Thickness (mm) Resonance frequency
GT602 R90* 4.5 1 Ghz
GT602 R90* 3.2 2 Ghz
GT602 R90* 2.4 3 Ghz
GT602 R90* 2.2 4 Ghz
GT602 R88* 2 5 Ghz
GT602 R85* 2 6 Ghz
GT602 R85* 1.8 7 Ghz
GT602 R85* 1.6 8 Ghz
GT602 R85* 1.5 9 Ghz
GT602 R85* 1.3 10 Ghz
GT602 R74* 1.7 11 Ghz
GT602 R71* 1.6 12 Ghz
GT602 R71* 1.5 13 Ghz
GT602 R71* 1.45 14 Ghz
GT602 R71* 1.4 15 Ghz
GT602 R71* 1.3 16 Ghz
GT602 R65* 1.2 17 Ghz
GT602 R65* 1.15 18 Ghz
GT602 R64 1.1 24 Ghz
GT602 R63 0.95 28 Ghz
GT602 R62 1.1 35 Ghz
* Spatial qualified material compliant with standard ESA-ECSS-Q-ST-70-02C / TML RML (<1%) and CVCM (<0.1%)
The finished plates or parts are available in version with or without adhesive on request.
375 avenue Morane Saulnier 78530 - Buc, France
GETELEC - 375 avenue Morane Saulnier - CS 34030 - 78535 Buc Cedex - France
Tel. +33 1 39 20 42 42 - Fax: +33 1 39 20 42 43 - Email:
143 Tel : +33 1 39 20 42 42 |